Are you a coder? What career options are best for you.
Getting ready to graduate from high school is an exciting time. You’ve worked hard, you’ve had multiple school years disrupted, but you have succeeded and are ready to move on. But move on to what? And where?
You have many options, and many of those options you might not even be aware of.
Did you know advanced manufacturing is an exciting and well-paid industry to work in? We are not talking about the old-school factories of your grandfather’s age, when work was male dominated and manual in nature.
We are talking about high-tech, fully automated smart facilities.
How do you know if this is the right career choice for you?
Understanding your interests and how you think is key. Makers, organizers, and coders are naturally well suited to work in advanced manufacturing.
So, what is a coder? Do you love solving complex problems using logic? Are you curious how video games work and applications work? If yes is your answer to any of these questions you might be well suited to a career developing applications, using machine learning and AI development or 3-D modelling.
For these types of careers there are post-secondary paths with both university and college. For university check out Computer Science, Computational Biology, and Computing and Data Analytics and for college there are programs in Cybersecurity, Programming, and Application and Software Development that may pique your interest.
Deciding on the career you want to pursue and where you want to attend post-secondary school does not have to be complicated. There is help available.
Ask the guidance counsellor at your school for more information and take the quiz at Forge Ahead Atlantic to see if you are suited for a career in the dynamic world of advanced manufacturing.