Cool Careers for Females

Deciding on a career after high school does not need to be a scary task, there are lots of choices and sometimes it is hard to know when to start.

But it doesn’t have to be.

It starts with understanding what you like to do and what you are good at. Start by asking yourself, “what do I like to do in my spare time?”

Do you like to play chess, video games, or do puzzles? These are the types of hobbies that align well with a career in advanced manufacturing.

Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 refer to the growing use of smart technologies in factories around the world, including the digitization and automation of manufacturing processes. Industry 4.0 has led to technically advanced factories and has resulted in numerous exciting career opportunities for students who are interested in a technical environment.

In the past the manufacturing sector has been wrongly perceived as male-dominated, heavily relying on manual labour, requiring low levels of education, and offering low wages. But this could not be further from the truth.

Manufacturing today is a rapidly developing sector, driven by technology and innovation and offers highly skilled and well-paid careers than are not gender specific. Modern manufacturing is rewarding and fulfilling with limitless opportunity for growth.

Does this sound like it might interest you? Take our quiz at Forge Ahead Atlantic to learn more.


What skills are needed for a career in advanced manufacturing?